Mindfulness and spirituality

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Much of this information has been contributed by members of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association (LACPA) Mindfulness and Spirituality special interest group. Quotes are from the websites.

Books recommended by SIG members (links are to Amazon.com):

Constructive Living by David K. Reynolds
The Mindful Brain: Reflection and Attunement in the Cultivation of Well-Being
by Daniel J. Siegel
The World to Come: A Novel
by Dara Horn
Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves by Sharon Begley
Wide Awake: Buddhism for the New Generation by Diana Winston


Cultivating Mindfulness Some thoughts on cultivating mindfullness, and here, some "click and listen" meditations to help you get started.
Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC)

(at UCLA)

Through research, classes, and outreach programs, MARC studies the impacts of mindful awareness on children, adolescents and adults, offers classes and workshops that bring effective MAPs (Mindful Awareness Practices) to the faculty, staff and student body at UCLA, as well as to the Los Angeles community, across a variety of professions, life stages, and settings.
Insight LA Insight LA, offers mindfulness meditation for the curious, secular beginner, as well as intensive training for the experienced Buddhist practitioner.
Suggestions for daily practice

from Oprah's website, in the form of a printable 81/2 x 11 "poster" that includes a pointer to more information from Jon Kabat-Zinn

The Center for Mindfulness and Psychotherapy The Center for Mindfulness and Psychotherapy is a non-profit organization committed to the exploration of meditation and psychotherapy. Our mission is to advance the synergy of these two dynamic fields that are shaping our contemporary understanding of consciousness and healing.
Association for Transpersonal Psychology The Association for Transpersonal Psychology (ATP) is a membership supported international coordinating organization for scientific, social, and clinical transpersonal work that serves the world community. The Association's mission is to promote eco-spiritual transformation through transpersonal inquiry and action.
Spiritual Competency Resource Center The Spiritual Competency Resource Center provides access to online resources that enhance the cultural sensitivity of mental health professionals. Spirituality is now accepted as an important component of cultural competence for mental health professionals. These resources include online continuing education courses, guides to internet resources, and articles.
John Templeton Foundation In the Charter establishing his philanthropy, Sir John Templeton expresses that his Foundation should serve as a philanthropic catalyst for research on concepts and realities such as love, gratitude, forgiveness and creativity. Twenty years later, the Foundation continues to fund rigorous scientific research and related cutting-edge scholarship on a wide spectrum of Core Themes.
Art of Alex Gray Visionary art
Council on Spiritual Practices The Council on Spiritual Practices is a collaboration among spiritual guides, experts in the behavioral and biomedical sciences, and scholars of religion, dedicated to making direct experience of the sacred more available to more people. There is evidence that such encounters can have profound benefits for those who experience them, for their neighbors, and for the world.
Dr Reznick's Imagery for Kids Imagery For Kids gently and effectively teaches children how to help themselves by using the positive power of their imagination to understand and manage their feelings, creatively solve problems, and strengthen their self-esteem.
Jean Houston We are living in a time of the most far-reaching and rapid change in human history. What we do with our lives makes the difference as to whether, as a species, as a planet even, we grow or die.Journey through this site to discover a house of many mansions where you will learn to access and utilize capacities and potentials to help you make a better world.